Fascinated by Mazesoba, which originated in Nagoya, Takuma Ishikawa, founder of KOKORO (now CEO), opened his first shop in January 2014 in Ookayama, Ota-ku, Tokyo, with the desire to make the then little-known Mazesoba available to Tokyo residents.
The first shop was said to be in a difficult location for business, far from the nearest station (Ookayama Station), where many ramen stores had opened and disappeared, but it quickly established itself as a thriving shop thanks to its friendly customer service and outstanding products.
The first shop operated for about 7 years until the building was demolished. The origin of everything.
The original Mazesoba sparked the Mazesoba Boom.
A rare shot of founder Mr. Ishikawa in the early days of the company. At the Ookayama 1st shop.
Inside the first Downtown shop in North America, which recorded the highest sales.
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